Concert Band & Wind Ensemble as Electives
Students may use Concert Band or Wind Ensemble to fulfill graduation requirements for Electives. To learn more about Penncrest's Academic Programs, review the 2021-2022 Guide HERE.
Concert Band - Grade Level 9, 10, 11 & 12
The mission of the Band program is the teaching of comprehensive musicianship through performance. Comprehensive musicianship encompasses the attitudes and behaviors that are promoted by participation in band, the development of technical skills needed to play an instrument in both an individual and an ensemble setting, and the fostering of knowledge that enables one to appreciate and understand music as an art form. The application of comprehensive musicianship takes place in the daily rehearsal of the ensemble and culminates in concert performances of the music being rehearsed. Some performances take place during the school day, while others are held on weeknights and weekends. Students should be aware that other classes will occasionally be missed for Band activities.
All activities are mandatory for all members.
All members of the Concert Band are also members of the Roaring Lions Marching Band. The Marching Band performs at various parades and community events throughout the year, as well as all football games. These activities are mandatory, as is summer band camp and after school rehearsals. Band members are responsible for purchasing certain items related to the uniform. Purchase information and order forms will be provided each year by the end of the school year with order pick-up dates during uniform fittings (prior to Band Camp).
A complete Band Handbook describes all band requirements in further detail (see link below).
Wind Ensemble - Grade Level 10, 11 & 12
The Wind Ensemble is open to 10th, 11th and 12th grade musicians who successfully complete an audition with the Director. Ensemble size is limited and enrollment is based on the instrumentation and balance of the ensemble. With the addition of the performance of more advanced literature, the description for Concert Band can also be used for Wind Ensemble. This includes mandatory participation in the Roaring Lions Marching Band as described above.
Recommendation: Prior instrumental training and experience, private lessons instruction, and ownership of a professional quality instrument.