SATURDAY, September 28th at 6pm (Gates open at 5pm)

Come cheer on the Penncrest Roaring Lions Marching Band, as they host area high school bands in our 7th Annual Festival of Bands at the Penncrest High School Stadium on Saturday, September 28, 2024. This is a non-competitive/judged event that gives area schools a chance to perform their show in front of friends, family, and our great Penncrest Community, as well as an opportunity to meet peers from other high schools. This year, we're also excited to host the "The Pride of the Profs" Rowan University Marching Band, who will perform their dynamic halftime show.
Come join us for one of the highlights of the marching band season: An evening of fun and music that will include performances by all the bands, a wild drumline showcase, great food that helps raise much-needed funds for our music program, and a combined finale performance featuring all bands on the field together.

You don't want to miss this event!
Show Schedule
Springton Lake 8th Grade Band
St. Mark's High School
Brandywine High School
Chichester High School
Springfield High School
Intermission/Drumline Showcase
Garnet Valley High School
Strath Haven High School
Pottstown High School
Penncrest Roaring Lions Marching Band
Rowan University Marching Band
Finale (All Bands)
Note: Times shown reflect the time each band should begin their show. Times are approximate and may vary slightly.
Volunteers make it happen!
The Festival of Bands is organized by the Penncrest BPA's Festival of Bands Committee.
Many volunteers spend more than 6 months organizing all aspects of the event, which make the Festival of Bands a success. The proceeds from the Festival help to support many of the activities for the Band students throughout the year.
On the day of the event, the committee members are supported by many Penncrest Band parent volunteers, whose help is utilized to assist all the students and spectators who attend our festival.
This is an "All Hands on Deck" event!
If you are interested in joining the Festival of Band Family and helping out, we have many positions to fill:
Admissions: There are two admission areas to be covered and need 2 people per site.
Concessions: Assisting with the provision of items or collecting money at concessions.
Midway: Need people to staff various tables: Candy Grams, Shout Outs, Baked Goods, 50/50 Raffle Tickets.
Band Guides: Each band will be assigned 1-2 adults and several Penncrest Band members to assist them in coming into the stadium, lining up to perform, etc
Please note that for all positions there will be shifts. Individuals will not need to commit for the entire time. Volunteers receive free admission to the festival.
Contact our Festival Chair, Greg Clarke, with any questions.