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Winter and Spring Band Performances & Activities


January 10 - 11 (Fri - Sat)

All Day

PMEA District 12 Orchestra

January 24 - 25 (Fri - Sat)

All Day

PMEA District 12 Band

February 1 (Sat)

6 - 10 PM

Penncrest Jazz Night

February 10 (Mon)

2:30 - 4:30 PM

Symphonic Band Dress Rehearsal

February 11 (Tue)

7:00 PM

Winter Band Concert

February 20 - 22 (Thu - Sat)

All Day

PMEA Region 6 Orchestra

March 6 - 8 (Thu - Sat)

All Day

PMEA Region 6 Band

March 11 (Tue)

7:00 PM

Chamber Music Concert

March 15 (Sat)

10 AM - 4 PM

Penncrest Indoor Invitational

April 9 -12 (Wed - Sat)

All Day

PMEA All-State Conference

April 22 (Tue)

2:45- 4:15 PM

Spring Concert Dress Rehearsal

April 23 (Wed)

7:00 PM

Spring Band Concert

May 2 (Fri)


Penncrest Band Adjudication

May 7 (Wed)

6 - 7 PM

Penncrest Celebration of the Arts

May 25 (Wed)

6 - 10 PM

Penncrest Jazz Dining Under the Stars

May 26 (Mon)

10 AM - 1 PM

Memorial Day Parades and Uniform Return (Report @ 9AM)

May 29 (Thu)

6:00 PM

Band Banquet

June 6 (Fri)

10:30 AM

Graduation (Wind Ensemble)

June 7 (Sat)


Spring Training and Show Premiere

Unless otherwise noted, all performances are mandatory and in full marching uniform. 

Arrival time at Penncrest is one hour before home events and 90 minutes before away events.


Dates and Times Subject to change 

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